Important Information

How to use the clinic best possible

Telephone hours
Doctors consultation at 8-8.45: consultation about acute illness, request for home visit, short answer for test results. with complicated problems an appointment is given

Telephone hours for the reception at 9.30-14.00: Appointment Booking, Urgent Prescription Renewal, Urgent problems

TIPS: There can maximum be 7 on the telephone queue. Please call again later if you do not get through. We have two secretaries to take the phone to reduce the waiting time.

There can be busy in the calling hours to the clinic. If not urgent you can also request presciption renewal under self-service, where prescription renewal, time booking for consultation and email consultation can be done.

All days between 14-16 oclock you will be referred to a acute telephone number, if you have acute servere illness in these hours.

Consultation hours:
Monday: 8.00-14.00
Tuesday: 8-9 and 9.30- 18.00
Wendesday: 8-9 and 9.30-18.00
Thursday: 8-14.00

Please call your old doctor to have them transfer your medical recorts to us, let us know if you move who your new doctor is and we will transfer your medical recorts to your new physician